



Tutti i documenti del Piano d’Ambito sono IN FASE DI VERIFICA

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".
0 Relazione di Piano
– Relazione
The folder "/web/htdocs/ di Piano/Relazione" was not found at: " di Piano/Relazione".
– Allegati
The folder "/web/htdocs/ di Piano/Allegati" was not found at: " di Piano/Allegati".


A1.1 Ricognizione reti impianti
– Relazione

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".
– Allegati
The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


A1.2 Ricognizione reti impianti ACQ
A1.2.1 Cartografie

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".
A1.2.2 Schemi funzionali
The folder "/web/htdocs/ funzionali" was not found at: " funzionali".
A1.2.3 Tabelle impianti
The folder "/web/htdocs/ impianti" was not found at: " impianti".


A1.3 Ricognizione reti impianti FOG-DEP
A1.3.1 Cartografie

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".
A1.3.2 Schemi funzionali
The folder "/web/htdocs/ funzionali" was not found at: " funzionali".
A1.3.3 Tabelle impianti
The folder "/web/htdocs/ impianti" was not found at: " impianti".


A2.1 Ricognizione Fabb

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


A3.1 Analisi Domanda
– Relazione

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".
– Allegati
The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


A3.2 Analisi Risorsa
– Relazione

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


A4.1 Predisposizione Interventi

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".
-A4.1.1 costi parametrici
The folder "/web/htdocs/ parametrici" was not found at: " parametrici".
-A4.1.2 tabelle interventi 2018-2021
The folder "/web/htdocs/ interventi_2018-2021" was not found at: " interventi_2018-2021".
-A4.1.3 tabelle interventi 2022-2047
The folder "/web/htdocs/ interventi_2022-2048" was not found at: " interventi_2022-2048".
-A4.1.4 potabilizzazione indicazione interventi
The folder "/web/htdocs/ interventi" was not found at: " interventi".
-A4.1.5 depurazione indicazione degli interventi
The folder "/web/htdocs/ interventi" was not found at: " interventi".
-A4.1.6 sistema acquedottistico interventi scala ambito
The folder "/web/htdocs/ acquedottistico_interventi scala ambito" was not found at: " acquedottistico_interventi scala ambito".
-A4.1.7 sistema depurativo interventi scala ambito
The folder "/web/htdocs/ depurativo_interventi scala ambito" was not found at: " depurativo_interventi scala ambito".
-A4.1.8 quadro sinottico interventi
The folder "/web/htdocs/ sinottico interventi" was not found at: " sinottico interventi".
-A4.1.9 interventi comuni in economia
The folder "/web/htdocs/ comuni in economia" was not found at: " comuni in economia".


A4.2 Predisposizione Interventi ACQ
-schede interventi

The folder "/web/htdocs/ interventi" was not found at: " interventi".
The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


A4.3 Predisposizione Interventi FOG-DEP
-schede interventi

The folder "/web/htdocs/ interventi" was not found at: " interventi".
The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


B2.VAS Rapporto ambientale

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


B3.VAS Sintesi non tecnica

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


C1.1 Valutazione Tecnico Patrimoniale
– relazione

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


C2.1 Modello organizzativo stato attuale
– relazione

The folder "/web/htdocs/ attuale/relazione" was not found at: " attuale/relazione".
– allegato
The folder "/web/htdocs/ attuale/allegato" was not found at: " attuale/allegato".


C2.2 Modello organizzativo LG profilo funzionale

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".


C3.1 Piano Economico Finanziario

The folder "/web/htdocs/" was not found at: "".

Il documento analizza le componenti del vincolo riconosciuto ai ricavi del gestore dell’anno 2016.

L’elaborazione è sviluppata in applicazione della Deliberazione dell’Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica, il Gas e il Sistema Idrico n. 664/2015/R/IDR del 28 dicembre 2015 e del relativo allegato “A” alla Deliberazione ad oggetto: “APPROVAZIONE DEL METODO TARIFFARIO IDRICO PER IL SECONDO PERIODO REGOLATORIO – MTI – 2”.

La metodologia tariffaria introdotta dall’AEEGSI garantisce la copertura integrale dei costi.

Scarica il PDF: Relazione analisi componenti tariffarie con allegati